Coaching Process

How it works

Coaching Process

Navigating unique hurts and healing through the coaching process

We are all unique with unique hurts and unique needs for healing. As a Master Transformation Life Coach, I believe that we all create our external reality from within.

I believe that our perceptions become our projections and that what we experience, how we experience it and what we tell ourselves about those experiences influence the life that we create for ourselves. By changing the way, you look at things the things you look at change.

    What is expected of you:

    • While I can offer you a safe space and all the skills and tools you need, you need to take full responsibility for your own progress. I can show you how to do the work, but I cannot do the work for you.
    • I ask that you come into the coaching with an open mind and extend yourself in order to bring about your own transformation.
    • Visualization is an integral part of the process. You will be given exercises and asked to practice this independently.
    • The more you engage in the practices of these new skills, the faster you will progress.
    • Speed of implementation is key.

    What you can expect:

    • To learn more about yourself.
    • To identify the root issues and how to heal them.
    • A deep healing of core wounds, negative emotions and beliefs.
    • Acquire the skills to self-healing in the future.
    • To gain tools that you can use for emotional healing, goal setting and to live a life filled with purpose.
    • To learn how to create your own reality and to live the very best life.

    How long is the coaching program?

    A coaching program usually consists of around 18 hours.

    How long is each coaching session?

    A session is between 1 to 2 hours. 

    How often must I have a session?

    It is beneficial to do at least one session per week.

    How are the sessions conducted?

    Sessions can either be face-to – face or via Zoom or Skype