About Me

My Life Coaching Journey

Hi, I am Ansie Guyt, Master Transformation Life Coach and founder of Journey Life Coach.

Since going through the Transformation Life Coaching process, myself, my entire life has changed. The amazing techniques assisted me to overcome my negative emotions controlling my life. Emotions like doubt, fear, anxiety, fear of rejection, abandonment, grief, guilt and shame to name a few.

It also helped me to get rid of my negative / limiting beliefs like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worthy and undeserving.”

The program worked so well for me I decided that I want to help others with their challenges. Being a Life Coach is not a career but a calling in my opinion.  I can help you to grow through your personal challenges and life changes you are facing by doing the Transformation Life Coach program.

Life is too short to suffer and not be happy. You are the only person who can empower yourself and take control of your life; nobody else can do it for you.

I will provide you the tools and the guidance to create your happiness and discover the best version of yourself.

Take full responsibility for your life, let go of your old ways of living and thinking and move forward with excitement.


Master Transformation Life Coach

Master Life Coach

NLP Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Negative Emotional Therapy Practitioner